About Me

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I am Rebecca, wife of Tom since '92. Mom to: Jake(28)United States Navy married to Lisa since Oct '17 Christian(20) Night maintenance at retirement village Sophie Joy(17)Grade 12 I have been sewing for many years and knitting for just the last couple years.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Don't mention Biggest Loser in front of your 12yo son

I mentioned something about joining Biggest Loser Part 2 on the Sonlight Forum at dinner a few days ago.  Christian burst out laughing.

I'd love to be a fly on the wall when he tells his friends...  His mom's a biggest loser.  Apparently that's hysterical.

So, we're into the 3rd week.  I've only lost 2#, but hey, slow and steady wins the race right?  Besides, I don't want to lose weight the way I did last time I'd lost 50#.  Maybe I can actually keep it off this time.

I'd lost a little weight over the summer, before we went to Disney World in September, then gained about 5# back before starting this adventure.  Maybe I won't mind wearing shorts this summer, long shorts, at least to the knees anyway... My thighs are NOT cute after having all those lipomas taken out, and scars being left.

We'll see what happens, the contest is 8 weeks long.  Out of 6 (I think) teams we're in 3rd place.  The lead team has had a woman who's lost so far around 20#!  In 2 weeks!  I doubt we'll catch up.  Oh well, I didn't join for glory, just to lose a little for myself.

And btw, Jillian Michael's 30-Day Shred video is the Devil's spawn!  I've only done it twice.  The first time I injured my calf.  I had to rest for 3 days.  I tried it again today.  We'll see how I feel tomorrow...  but my plan is to alternate that with T-Tapp Total Workout.  Maybe I'll get at least 4 workouts in a week.  That's my hopefully attainable goal.  If I set my sights too high I get overwhelmed and shut down totally.  I did something TODAY, that's all I can look at.

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